Shelf-reading Scanners 2

I spoke to some coworkers about the scanners that could assist Paging staff to keep our library in order efficiently (as I mentioned in my previous post). Coincidentally, earlier that day, Charlotte had seen an article about a shelf-reading robot invented in Singapore. Here are some links about it: Although this is a … More Shelf-reading Scanners 2

Checked Out: Victor Frankenstein DVD

I have to start by telling you that I’ve been a long time appreciator of the CGI heavy, PG13(ish), sexy action/horror/adventure genre. I spent almost every other weekend in middle school seeing movies like Van Helsing, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Alien Vs. Predator, Day After Tomorrow, King Arthur, Hellboy, the Blade Trilogy, XXX, Doom, Queen of … More Checked Out: Victor Frankenstein DVD